Better for you dairy means ultimate flavor and health
The basis for truly phenomenal dairy products is great tasting milk. And at Rock House, that happens to be the healthiest choice for you too. All our products start with A2 creamline whole milk, which comes from pastured cows that produce a milk high in butterfat. It’s as natural as it comes, and makes our cheese and ice cream supremely decadent.

From the Creamery
Fresh & aged cow and goat’s milk cheeses handcrafted in small batches, with only the highest quality and natural ingredients.

From our family to yours

A Family Farm
There’s something about this land that just slows you down right where you are, and makes you realize we were created for a purpose. I started this farm, not from a place to grow to a commercial scale, but to produce crops and animals in a way that finishes products I want my family to eat. We feel the slow way, the least processed way, in a way that continually restores the land, is the right way. We’re stewards of this patch of earth and we want to leave it better than we found it.

Grassfed Artisan Butchered Meats
From selecting the right breeds for the best flavor attributes, to working with forage specialist to grow just the right grasses to promote better flavor and tenderness, to harvesting at just the right time, carefully selecting only the very best cuts and ensuring product is always fresh. These are differences we feel good about and you can taste.

From the Farm
100% grassfed, grass-finished beef and Berkshire pork, raised with practices that make them better tasting and better for you.

Fresh. Delicious. Honest.
Rock House Farm exists to bring you healthy and great tasting food you can trust. We’re on a mission to provide better tasting and better for you food. Using traditional production methods, honoring our animals and the land, with minimal processing, our products are as close to nature as God intended. Our farm partners and purveyors maintain the same high standards for raising and production as we do.